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February 24, 2010


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Hello, my name is Camila González Parra. Currently, I study medicine in the Universidad Católica del Maule in Talca, Chile.
I've always interested in the liver. In my opinion it’s a exceptional organ and your blog is a very good site for be informed about new investigations and discoveries in this area. I think that your blog is a very good information source to everybody because it gives us the information with simple terms and it educate to people about important topics such as the healthy habits and importance in prevention of liver disease.
I have been written in this post because I think that this progress should be known by everyone. This could bring huge implications, because it will allow to prove new treatments in animals and see the effects that this will have on human beings.
I appreciate your dedication in maintain actualized this site. It is certainly a big contribution to the web.
Thank you for your time and I’m waiting your answer.

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